Saturday, June 2, 2007

writing portfolio - script

Choosing the Most Nutritious Food for My Health: Choosing a Career that Best Suits Me,
A Database Administrator.
Eugene J. Bock
Ms. R. Johnson
Writing 1
19 March 2007
872 words

Some people wake up in the morning with hope and expectation to have an enjoyable time at work while at the same time other people are just forcing themselves out of your bed to your office for another monotonous day working for money. Many individuals tend to consider their income as the first priority when choosing a job. However, people must consider their gifted talents, personal pursuit, values, and sometimes even religious belief when selecting a career. It is because it is extremely hard for a person to stay with a job that is against his or her personal will but guarantees high income. Spending 8 hours a day staring at the subject you dislike the most seems pretty disappointing to me, at least. Thus, I looked for a proper career in the future that best fits with my characteristics considering my talents and personality. My personal interest and preference in math led to a career called a mathematician, but since it had too broad image of a career, I have sought a more specified job from a mathematician. Through Kiersey, Occupation Finder, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and an interview, I have discovered that a database administrator is an appropriate career in the future for me for various reasons.

I value success and confidence the most in life. Wealth is not what I think success is all about. I think feeling satisfaction and pride in whatever I do is a successful life. Competition is also very crucial for me because I feel like lack of competition leads to lack of motivation or inefficiency of work, in my case. Although I never thought I am talented in arts, I enjoy seeing the artworks. My other personal interests are sports, including soccer and basketball, and computer. I have interests and talents in math and computer, which highly affect my future job the most. I am also
strong on science because the subject is highly related to mathematics. Most surveys or tests were to draw my characteristics. I have leadership that I can control over many people: “a superleader” (Kiersey 2). I also value efficiency or work and like to give a persuasive speech: “You are a decisive and outspoken person” (Kiersey 2). I like to dig into some topic and study with concentration. I am not a person who dreams of a wonderful life: “You are realistic, investigative, and enterprising” (Holland, The Occupational Finder2).

Two types of mathematicians gave me a more specific direction to choosing which one I would prefer. There are two kinds of mathematicians: “a theoretical (pure) mathematician and an applied mathematician (Mathematicians). A theoretical mathematician literally studies and researches about the nature of the number or of a theory. Yet, applied mathematicians are the ones whose jobs are highly associated with mathematics but not totally. The examples are “engineers, computer scientists, physicists, and economists are among those who use mathematics extensively” (Mathematicians).

My preference was an applied mathematician, and a database administrator’s qualification matched up with my interests and skills. Database administrators “store, manage, and extract data effectively” (Computer Scientists and Database Administrators). Database administrators design creative “ways to organize and present the data they have” (Computer Scientists and Database Administrators). What they do is they “identify user requirements, set up computer databases, and test and coordinate modifications to the computer database systems” (Computer Scientists and Database Administrators). Essential educational backgrounds are “a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information science, or management information systems (MIS)”
(Computer Scientists and Database Administrators). Other requirements are: “to be able to think logically and to have good communication skills” (Computer Scientists and Database Administrators). I am qualified since my leadership and mathematical skill will help me with logical thinking and persuasive speech capability. Database Administrators have favorable job outlook. “Computer scientists and database administrators are expected to be among the fastest growing occupations through 2014” (Computer Scientists and Database Administrators). According to Mr. Hong, a database administrator that I interviewed said, “The annual income in Korea is around $30,000” (Hong). In the states, the annual salary is about “$60,650 in May 2004” (Computer Scientists and Database Administrators).

A database administrator certainly was a job for me. It was because I love to organize my idea or do something with my computer like my homework. Moreover, I have learned one of the computer programs, Microsoft excel, when I was in Korean middle school, and I have found it interesting since I had learned how to arrange and classify the data I have to present in a creative way. I also think that it relates to my talent and my personal interest because computer has a lot of things to do with numbers and accuracy. I have high interest in computer and math, which positively motivate me to dive into the job, computer scientists. Furthermore, I think I will not get bored easily with my career because I am doing what I choose to. Bright outlook of the job and favorable competition stimulate myself to work harder. My skill in math will also help study the field efficiently. Thus, I think a database administrator is a great job for me to try out in the future as it fits with my personal concerns, and my capabilities.

Works Cited:
"Computer Scientists and Database Administrators." Occupational Outlook Handbook. 16 Jan 2007. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 17 Mar 2007 .
Holland, John L. Assessment Booklet: A Guide to Educational and Career Planning. Lutz: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 2000.
Holland, John L. The Occupational Finder. Lutz: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 2000.
Kiersey, David, Please Understand Me II: Temperament Character Intelligence. Del Mar: Prometheus Nemesis Book Company, 1998.
"Mathematicians." Occupational Outlook Handbook. 04 Aug 2006. U.S. Department of Labor,2 Bureau of Labor Statistics. 13 Mar 2007 .
Hong, Jin. Personal interview. 13 Mar 2007.

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