Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New year resolutions

New Year Resolutions!

Writing 1 Standards and Benchmarks

Standard 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process

In order to revise the paper better to have a more successful writing, my goal is to revise at least three times before writing a final draft through many persons. The methods I am going to use are color-coded edit, and peer edit. Maybe I can even get help from my teacher by coming after school.

Standard 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing

In order for me to use precise and descriptive language with a variety of sentence lengths, I set two goals; I will study synonyms and antonyms to be able to play around with the words I know so readers will not get bored by repetitive writing, and to try to vary the length of the sentences by scanning a passage again after writing it. The methods I will be using are reading a lot of books and study the words I don’t know, and practice to write sentences with different lengths at home to get used to it.

Standard 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions

To be a better writer I am going to try to have a straight and concise punctuation. To do so, I am going to read a lot of books and underline the verbs to see the patterns of the verb tenses. I will also check my passage when done with writing. I could also study DOL to improve my skills.

Standard 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes

I am going to try to have a variety of sources of precise and detailed information to have a better writing. To do so, I am going to search on Google for appropriate websites, encyclopedia on internet and in a library, and some magazines if necessary.

Weighted Categories

The two traits I want to be focusing on are organization and sentence fluency because I am weak on those traits comparing to the other four traits. To organize my writing better, I am going to put some effort to scan a passage after writing each paragraph if it has a concise message and if they can be applied to my main thesis of the writing. I will try to delete the repetitive parts as I read my writing over
I will also work more on sentence fluency because I tend to miss some points writing fluent and clear sentences. I will try to read as many books as possible to learn many expressions that can help my writing improve a bit. Maybe I can get some help from American friends I have in dorm and they might be able to check and correct my piece of writing.

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